Down syndrome dating scan

Dating > Down syndrome dating scan

Nuchal Translucency Scan or 12 Week Down syndrome dating scan Picture Click image to enlarge When is the scan performed? This scan is performed between 11 and nearly 14 weeks of pregnancy, preferably at 12 weeks. However, it gives a better view of the baby at 13 weeks, synvrome if the mother is overweight. What will Syndrlme learn from the scan? A Nuchal Translucency Scan can show the baby in remarkable detail: head and brain, hands and feet, toes and fingers, body, spine, tummy wall, stomach and bladder. The placenta site is also documented. A principle focus of this scan is on the skin fold behind the neck the nuchal fold. In some clinics this scan is refined by performing three additional ultrasound observations: the nasal bone, the ductus venosus blood flow and the heart tricuspid valve blood flow. If these risks are of a level to provoke anxiety for the down syndrome dating scan then a further invasive test can be considered. The detection of the sex of the baby is difficult and not very reliable at this time. Nuchal Translucency Scan or 12 Week Scan Video Click image to play How is the scan performed and how long does it take? The Nuchal Translucency Scan is performed trans-abdominally through the tummy and usually takes 20 to 30 minutes to perform. Do I need to prepare for the scan? There is no special preparation needed for this scan and there is no need for a full bladder. The blood test can be taken anytime from 10 weeks but for convenience they are usually performed together. You will have several pictures of ddating baby to keep. Should I have the scan with a consultant or sonographer? If you are having a normal pregnancy, then in most cases a scan by a fully qualified, experienced sonographer is advisable. If however, you are experiencing complications with your pregnancy or need a second opinion, a scan with an obstetrics consultant is recommended. How much will it cost? For a scan coupled with a blood test, prices range from around £170 to £250.

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